Diagnostic Wax-up

Diagnostic Wax-up

A diagnostic wax-up is essentially a cast or impression of your tooth or teeth. Your dentist uses this to show you what they are going to do to fix your dental problem. This helps reshape your teeth to their ideal form.

Rapid Quality Temporization:. Quality wax-up of the desired final result is for the construction of temporaries. Because of the more accurate representation of the actual mouth, an impression should be taken with a good, high-quality impression material instead of an alginate. By doing this, the fit of the temporaries will be superior, and there will be much less flash than with a temporary stint made from an alginate impression.

Diagnostic Temporary Stage: Since everyone has a different opinion of what a smile should look like, it is also imperative that your patient be happy with the temporaries, as they will mimic the final restorations. You can appease your unhappy patients by telling them that they are only temporaries.